Our Treatments

A standardized functional assessment is used to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of behavioral support interventions. The assessment may incorporate information such as interviews with caregivers, structured rating scales, direct observation data, and attention to coexisting medical conditions. When an individual displays maladaptive behaviors it is recommended the credentialed provider complete a functional behavior assessment to better inform treatment planning.

A credentialed therapist with ABA expertise is identified to provide treatment. The treatment plan must address how the parents/guardians will be trained in management skills that can be generalized to the home. Parent/guardian training is an expectation.

The treatment goals and objectives must be comprehensive and clearly stated. The treatment plan is in sync with the child’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). All components of the child’s care are tracked and updated throughout the duration of services. Treatment plan target specific deficits related to imitation, attention, motivation, compliance and initiation of interaction, and the specific behaviors that are to be incrementally taught and positively reinforced. Objective and quantifiable treatment goals have baseline data, measurable progress, and projected timeframes for completion. Plan includes the child’s parents in parent training and the acquisition of skills in behavior modification to promote management of skills within the home. Parents or caregivers must be involved and engaged in the training and follow through on treatment recommendations beyond that provided by licensed or certified practitioners.

Behavioral Approaches

Our strategies focus on positive reinforcement and skill-building to address challenging behaviors effectively.

Problem Behaviors

We identify and analyze problem behaviors to create individualized interventions that promote positive change.

Treatment Approaches

We utilize evidence-based methods to support children with autism.

Three children are gathered around a table, intently focused on a colorful activity involving thin, colored sticks. The children appear to be in a classroom or home setting, with kitchen items and writing on a whiteboard visible in the background.
Three children are gathered around a table, intently focused on a colorful activity involving thin, colored sticks. The children appear to be in a classroom or home setting, with kitchen items and writing on a whiteboard visible in the background.
Problem Behaviors

Identifying and addressing challenging behaviors is crucial for effective intervention and improving quality of life for children and their families.

Cookies arranged to spell 'self control' rest on a wooden surface. A spatula is placed nearby, and a child's hand reaches towards the cookies.
Cookies arranged to spell 'self control' rest on a wooden surface. A spatula is placed nearby, and a child's hand reaches towards the cookies.
Our Team

Our dedicated professionals are trained in applied behavior analysis and committed to providing personalized support for each child.